Affiliated to Adikavi Nannaya University
Mentor and Student Details for 2020-21 Batch Students
Mentor and Student Details for 2021-22 Batch Students
The students of Semesters IV and II worked on the mandatory Community Service Project(CSP). Through this new initiative, students got an opportunity to interact with the commoners of their locality and learn about their living conditions. In the process, they also got in touch with various Government Officials and N.G.O.s and learn more about the socio-economic and cultural conditions of the people of the area. As a part of this experiential learning programme, the students conducted surveys to know about various issues faced by the general public; based on the issues identified, sensitization programmes were organized to create awareness among the masses, comprehensive analyses was arrived at and finally reports were and e submitted to the respective mentors.
During the process of the Community Service Project (CSP), each student was expected to work on the project for 180 hours. He/she was to record the daily progress of work in the Student Log Book. Each mentor was assigned about 15 students who closely monitored the work in progress and submitted the same to the Principal’s Desk on a weekly basis. The Principal, in turn, consolidated the entire process of the Community Service Project CSP) carried out in the College At large and tabled the same on to the A.P.C.C.E.’s Desk on a fortnightly basis.
The topics of interest include: Living Conditions of Daily Wage Laborers, The Plight of Leased Poultry Farmers, Health and Hygiene, English for Competitive Exams, Animal Population, and so on..
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